
Sunday, August 30, 2009

New Quests coming out tomorrow!

Hip-hip-hooray! New quests tomorrow! I don't know IF or WHEN fromahead will send me the maps of the latest quests but I promise once I receive them I will post them up right away. In the mean-time, try beating the quest on your own or do something else like lie in bed thinking about tapquest.

EDIT: Lava Labrinth and Shallow Waters are now out for download!


  1. those maps will helpful in the stars/ hidden dungeon stuff

  2. Yeah, but like I said, I have no idea IF or WHEN Adrian-FROMAHEAD is going to send me the maps. Raghav, (look to the <- side)and click follow. :)

  3. i already am a follower so can i join my dads works in IBM so he could help us make a vary cool website

  4. Sure, why not. You COULD just make a website and give me admin on it O.o

  5. So u Mean that I can't be part of it??

  6. You mean you want me to give you access to this blog as an author? Uh, yeah sure but you have to show what you can do first.

  7. no-i mean we work together so its not mine or your blog i can start making a site now if you ant but i dont know how to make u an admin

  8. k but how do i make you a admin on a SITE??im using wix
