
Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving ALL

Yummy stuffed turkey anyone?


  1. new update and seems everything is reset...i played the very first quest (tutorial) and choose 3 new charcters which were ADDED to my previous set of characters. A few star pick-ups later, I have 12 characters running around. Anyone know whats going on???

  2. Yeah, I have that bug, too. Startet the tutorial just for fun and couldn't believe my eyes... now my party is a little bit crowded ^^

  3. for me, my whole tapquest crashed and my saved data reset D:

  4. with the update i can't get to my old game- when i tap "resume saved" the app just closes :/ I really don't want to start all over again...

  5. Where are the recent maps? The last map I've seen is from several weeks ago. Do they have a different hyperlink than the other maps?

  6. Wow, you can geht every red crystal again... I think that will be a big problem in the near future :/ you can get more than 70/70 this way...

  7. Lol me too I got a new crystal for a lvl I already played as well as being offered 3 New charaters. I didn't chose them yet but now I am stuck there till I do but I am afraid that if fromahead takes back characters they may choose to take my stronger ones then I will have to start over again.

  8. Two Mondays in a row with no new quests, and the person in charge of this blog hasn't updated since Thanksgiving. What's up with that? Is TapQuest through?

  9. I've just downloaded two new maps.

    The first one, Cave Cave, is rather short and very easy to navigate. Except for two keys, the way to the chrystal is very straight forward.

    Haven't played the second map (Speed Bugs) yet. I hope it is a little bit more challenging.

  10. Adrian, are you still alive?
    Post some new messages!
    And we need the new maps too.

  11. Yah the maps the last few weeks have lacked the creativity that many of the early ones had. They are all so straight forward and easy to complete. Not to mention because of the glitch I got over the max crystals and well nothing happen. I guess they either never thought that far or it records it a different way and you have to actually complete the 70 or so different maps.

  12. It's been another couple weeks without any new quests or posts to this blog. Adrian must've stumbled onto some sort of conspiracy, so they had to shut him up. ;-)

    Anyone else heard anything lately? Weren't they planning on a paid version around Christmas or something like that?

  13. Two new maps are out. And they are toughies.
    Guess Fromahead got some dude's messages and decide to make this weeks map difficult.
    The maps are impossible for me.
    Can't wait for the new update.

  14. Wow! I thought Tapquest was dead:

    1. No updates in this blog
    2. No patch (although there are some huge bugs in this version)
    3. No info on Tapquest 2
    4. No new maps for 3 weeks (<= fixed today :) )

    It's good to see they are still working on one of the best iPhone games so far :)

  15. Is there a way to check your characters levels without levelling up. I have over 800000 xp and 10+ characters but I want to know what level they each are. Also, doess anyone know when the next level ups are beyond this?

  16. Sam,
    So far, there's no way to check.
    Hope there is an update soon.
    1,274,824 xp for the next level.
